Conclusion to the Massey reading

As we have stated in this reading we have come across some interesting points and subjects. We went through four things which were ‘time-space compression’, how ‘places do not have single, unique identities’, also ‘places do not have boundaries’ and ‘absolute not static’.

I think you can find that if you look at the subject by itself, it contradicts with the rest of it. The thing is you have to look at it as a whole. Going through this we have looked at what Harvey (2000) has to say about time-space compression, the definition that Relph has for place, also a definition from the Oxford dictionary telling us what boundary means. Not to forget this is our reaction to the Massey’s reading and therefore we looked at few of her articles.

When we talk about time-space compression we can easily say that our technology is genuinely annihilated distance. To put it better way I will repeat previous words spoken. ‘Nowadays, a person who is thousands of miles away can be seen and heard in an instant.’  Next topic we talked about was ‘places do not have single, unique identities’. When we looked at this we took an example of how places are not unique. We talked about religion, cultures and nationalities being in one place making it without uniqueness. Without looking at other factors affecting place. As we looked at places not having boundaries we concluded that place is unique and that most places do not have boundaries. Places are made up of many different cultural differences and that is what makes a place unique as well as that you have to look at where all these cultures and differences are being put in as this shows what they are like in different situations, showing us different interactions.Place is a hard subject to look at. Place is the same yet it is different.

This all comes together as time-space compression allows for faster movement of things. With no boundaries everything can move anywhere. Allowing to mix everything together and start something new.

112352666 Alexandra Koppová

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