Key Social Changes

There are several elements which make up key social changes in current society, that is the twenty first century. Interactions of social change establish new social structure. As outlined in the dictionary of sociology, social structure is ‘a term referring to any recurring pattern of social behaviour or more specifically, to the ordered interrelationships between the different elements of a social system or society’ (pp.43). The social progression of technology has a profound effect on society. Technology is constantly being updated and developed, therefore greater social interaction can take place. There has been a change in information technology, which has led to a key conversion in social change. These information technologies provide exposure to globalization.

This leads us to globalization as an element of social change. Technological networks can show the globalization of different cultures and management. Multi-media linked with technology in the hyper-context is also a key element of social change. Social networking sites are a good example of this. Facebook for example has the capacity to transfer messages, view video calls and virtually experience worldwide cultures. According to Evans-Cowley in a social networking survey in 2005 it was found that ’90 percent of undergraduates participated in an online social network, while those over 35 are the fastest growing group joining facebook’ (pp.407). This form of communication links individuals and a new networking society forms.

It can be agreed as Castell points out the state and family are dominated in a world by markets and networks.  He points out ‘there are collective affirmations of primary identity’ around the subjects of religion, ethnicity and locality and it can be agreed these will perhaps break up societies (pp.694) .Increasingly in society today for example, there are more homosexual couples which contribute to lead a cultural transformation within society. Overall these elements combine together to bring about key social changes in the twenty first century. The constant development with technology, the progression of the economy and a transition in culture have all worked together to develop a twenty first century networking society.


G.Mrshall, J.Scott, A Dictionary of Sociology (3 rev. ed.) Oxford University Press: (2009),43

Castells.M,Toward a Sociology of the Network Society: (2000),694

Cowley-Evans.J, Planning in the age of Facebook: the role of social networking planning processes.,GeoJournal (2010), 407


Sinead Mullins



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